our animals

Senegal parrot

Poicephalus senegalus

The Senegal parrot is native to the woodlands of central western Africa. The Poicephalus genus of parrots is a group that includes 10 species from central Africa, identified by stocky bodies, short tails, and relatively large heads and beaks.

Senegal parrots are gregarious birds, continuously chattering with a range of whistling and squawking calls. Outside of the breeding season, they are often seen in small flocks of 10 to 20 birds. Active during the day Senegal parrots spend their time foraging in trees, preening, and resting. They are shy when around humans and usually fly high or hide in the tall treetops.

The biggest threat to Senegal parrots is extensive trapping of wild birds for the pet trade; this has led to them being listed as an endangered species, along with all parrot species. Senegal parrots are also trapped and killed because they often eat seeds on fields and damage crops.

fun facts

Conservation Status:

Least concern


Sub Saharan Africa


Tropical forests and savannah


Fruits, seeds, grains and blossoms





Incubation period:

25-28 days

Life Span:

30-50 yrs