our animals
Long Billed Corella Cockatoo
Cacatua tenuirostris
The long-billed corella is named for the elongated upper bill which curves downwards past the lower bill. Both sections of the bill are horn coloured. This lengthy bill is an adaptation which helps them to dig up roots to feed on. Across the majority of their body they feature white feathers with light yellow on the underside of the wings. Around the eye on the upper breast are areas of red feathers. Surrounding the eye is a patch of bare skin which is coloured blue. On top of the head is a wide, short crest of white feathers which can be raised to help them communicate.
These birds are regularly seen moving around in large flocks and may form mixed species flocks with the Galah cockatoo. Their flocks do not grow as large as those of their relatives, the little corella. On average these animals will have a few hundred birds in their group. Long-billed corellas will produce a loud, raucous call and a harsh screech.
The world population of the long-billed corella is estimated at between 100,000 and 500,000 birds. Currently the population is believed to be increasing which is assisted by the expansion of their range due to escapes and the wide availability of grass in urban centres. Their population has been affected by trapping for the pet trade and persecution by farmers who see them as a pest of crops which they will feed on.

fun facts
Conservation Status:
Least concern
South Australia
Forest, grasslands
Grass, seeds, roots
Incubation period:
24-25 days
Life Span:
25-40 yrs