our animals
Galah cockatoo
Eolophus roseicapilla
The Galah can be easily identified by its rose-pink head, neck and underparts, with paler pink crown, and grey back, wings and undertail. Birds from the west of Australia have comparatively paler plumage. Galahs have a bouncing acrobatic flight but spend much of the day sheltering from heat in the foliage of trees and shrubs. Huge noisy flocks of birds congregate and roost together at night.
The Galah is native to Australia, where it can be found in open grasslands and over much of the country. It has self-established in Tasmania. Galah cockatoos travel in large flocks, often in groups that also include sulfur-crested cockatoos. They will mate with other species of cockatoos.
Galahs are a familiar sight in urban areas. These birds tend to be more prevalent in settled areas because they eat cultivated crops and make use of artificial ponds and livestock watering troughs. Many farmers regard the birds as pests.
The name “Galah” means “fool” or “clown” in the native Australian language Yuwaalaraay. This highly intelligent bird got the name for being a loud nuisance. The term “Galah” is a slang, derogatory word in Australia that means a “loud-mouthed idiot.”
fun facts
Conservation Status:
Least concern
Australia and Tasmania
Woodland, scrubland, grassland
Seeds, berries and insect larvae
Incubation period:
30-32 days
Life Span:
70-80 yrs