our animals

Bennett’s Wallaby

Macropus Rufogriseus

Common to Australia and Tasmania, Bennett’s wallabies are primarily a grazer which feed on mostly grasses. Unfortunately, this is their downfall, as farmers often hunt the wallabies as they see them as a threat to their farmland, intended for farm animals to graze upon. They also eat broad-leafed plants and herbs.

Reproduction occurs year-round, although breeding season is between January and February. The gestation period is 28 days, once sexual maturity has been reached. One baby, also known as a joey, is born per season. Females carry the joey in their pouch until they are seven months old. It is not uncommon for joeys to return to the pouch even when they are a year and a half old. If this happens and the mother is pregnant again, the development of the new joey will pause until the older one leaves; this is known as embryonic diapause.

Communication happens through a number of vocalisations, which include hissing, snorting and clicking. Body language is also very important, this can look like freezing in place or thumping on the ground.

Bennetts Wallaby

fun facts

Conservation Status:

Least concern


Eastern Australia and Tasmania


Grassland and tropical forest


Grasses, leaves and herbs






28 days

Life Span:

10-15 yrs